"Holidays are a time to have fun, reflect, and realise how lucky we are" Anon
I am on holidays from tomorrow until ANZAC day and I am going to take this time to have some fun with my family, reflect on my current situation and put into place more actions to get me in a better place. I have had my head in a funk for quite some time now and I have been keeping in touch with people and I have been quietly lurking around some sites, but I have put my blinkers on and have really focussed on the job that I need to complete at the moment and I am hoping this will be almost complete at the end of the two weeks. Then I can take a deep breath and move on to the next action point- which is me :)
Funnily though it was through my reading that I came across a really interesting post on the http://peachesandcream.ning.com site which asked us to contemplate the question "what if we were fat and had terminal cancer?" It was a great, thought provoking post and whilst reading it I realised that my Mother IS fat and has terminal cancer. She lives each day with a smile on her face and a ready smart alec comment and do you think she spends hours a day obsessing over the scales, or wondering if "her bum looks big in this"? NO. And it made me realise that I think I have had difficulty in the last few months returning my focus because part of me feels this focus is a bit petty. And the obsessive focus is. But the intent on better health is not, so since reading that article I have found my cravings (real or imagined) have subsided, my penchance for finishing the boys dinner has disappeared and I am being a little more observant about what and when I eat. And I feel better for it. It is only a few days, and they are only small steps, but I will take each one and hopefully keep improving it.
As it is now the eve of the Easter Long weekend and the beginning of the 1st school holidays I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday.
M x