Thursday, 5 April 2007


"Holidays are a time to have fun, reflect, and realise how lucky we are" Anon

I am on holidays from tomorrow until ANZAC day and I am going to take this time to have some fun with my family, reflect on my current situation and put into place more actions to get me in a better place. I have had my head in a funk for quite some time now and I have been keeping in touch with people and I have been quietly lurking around some sites, but I have put my blinkers on and have really focussed on the job that I need to complete at the moment and I am hoping this will be almost complete at the end of the two weeks. Then I can take a deep breath and move on to the next action point- which is me :)

Funnily though it was through my reading that I came across a really interesting post on the site which asked us to contemplate the question "what if we were fat and had terminal cancer?" It was a great, thought provoking post and whilst reading it I realised that my Mother IS fat and has terminal cancer. She lives each day with a smile on her face and a ready smart alec comment and do you think she spends hours a day obsessing over the scales, or wondering if "her bum looks big in this"? NO. And it made me realise that I think I have had difficulty in the last few months returning my focus because part of me feels this focus is a bit petty. And the obsessive focus is. But the intent on better health is not, so since reading that article I have found my cravings (real or imagined) have subsided, my penchance for finishing the boys dinner has disappeared and I am being a little more observant about what and when I eat. And I feel better for it. It is only a few days, and they are only small steps, but I will take each one and hopefully keep improving it.

As it is now the eve of the Easter Long weekend and the beginning of the 1st school holidays I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday.

M x


Kate said...

Enjoy your holiday, I hope you get lots of time to have fun, live life, and relax!

Cat said...

Have a wonderful holiday Margaret, it's a thought provoking question. Happy safe and warm holiday wishes xoox

Leighanne said...

Hope you and your family have a great holiday:)

Chris H said...

I can relate to your thought provoking question... I used to focus totally on what I weighed, now I am more into how healthy I am.... I still worry about the scales and the numbers, but not as much as I am enjoying being really really healthy. If I could never lose another kilo I would be happy with how I am, cos I am fit and healthy! I hope you are heading in that direction too. Enjoy the Easter weekend.

Mary said...

It's great when things cross our path that make us re-evaluate the way we do things. Enjoy your holidays sweet M and catch you around soon enough.


Julie's Journey said...

To read something that resonates within our being is special. To take that and apply it to our lives is a gift. Enjoy your holidays. Will be in touch.

Anne said...

I read something similar along the lines of if you were never able to lose another kilo and would be your current weight for ever - how would you live your life? I was pleased when thinking it over that I wouldn't change a thing!

Have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say (or maybe I have too much to say) but I had to let you know I was reading

Happy holiday

Love CM

Lyn said...

Hope your holiday brings you much joy and rest!

Thankyou so much for your kind words on my blog! I appreciate it :)

Kellee said...

Hi M. I always love your posts (even if they are few and far between - bloody life gets in the way, doesn't it?). They always make me think. I have been thinking the same kinds of questions lately and have come to similar conclusions to the ones you came to.

I hope that your worries stop worrying you soon. All these bad times must come to an end eventually. And tackling them with your philisophical positivity will make it easier to bear, I'm sure.

You're a rad chick. Keep being rad. And not bad. Or sad. Or mad.

Hope you had a fantastic Easter with your three 'boys'.

- K.

Anonymous said...

it is so funny that everyone's post i have read today has gone from talking about the physical like "i need to move more, eat less etc" to the mental, "i need to know that i can do this". It is such a huge part of this that sometimes we leave until last.

ness said...

heya M

Its been ages since i have read your blog and I have just read the last few posts!! i am loving the post with a letter!!! Its something new and great!!! its great to start something new and put you in another frame of mind! keep being positive and hope you enjoyed your time off work :)

Health Watch Center said...

Have a wonderful holidays enjoy with the family...

I am new here wanted to say hi...will be waiting for updates from you...when you get some time feel free to visit my blog and let me know what you think about it...

Self Help Zone

Terry said...

My husband once said, "What if the doctor told you your health depended upon losing weight, could you?" I answered yes. So, I keep that in mind in my travels with weight loss.