Today was Darcy's first day of school. He was a champion and I am very proud of my big little boy. We have been practicing for school and he has been wearing his uniform for about a week, and we practiced for a couple of days eating from a lunch box so he would know what to expect. And even though he is practiced in the art of being dropped off at childcare there was always going to be a question of whether he would scamper into class happily, or dissolve in a flood of over-excited tears. I am happy to say he scampered with almost no backward glance. He did stop and wave and say "Bye" and then he was off. I needed no further push and turned and headed out the door before he changed his mind. It was a great morning :D
If I can get him to be that happy every morning for the next 12 school years I will be a very happy Mummy indeed LOL.
feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself (often fol. by of, an infinitive, or a clause). Source - dictionary.com
Today was Darcy's first day of school. He was a champion and I am very proud of my big little boy. We have been practicing for school and he has been wearing his uniform for about a week, and we practiced for a couple of days eating from a lunch box so he would know what to expect. And even though he is practiced in the art of being dropped off at childcare there was always going to be a question of whether he would scamper into class happily, or dissolve in a flood of over-excited tears. I am happy to say he scampered with almost no backward glance. He did stop and wave and say "Bye" and then he was off. I needed no further push and turned and headed out the door before he changed his mind. It was a great morning :D
If I can get him to be that happy every morning for the next 12 school years I will be a very happy Mummy indeed LOL.